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  2. Wen Bao Yin

Wen Bao Yin

The Prescription of Wen Bao Yin


The book Bian Zheng Lu



Tu Si Zi, Ba Ji Tian and Bu Gu Zhi: Tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang, replenishing essence.

Rou Gui and Fu Zi: Warming the kidney and strengthening yang.

Bai Zhu and Ren Shen: Strengthening the spleen, tonifying qi and eliminating dampness.

Shan Yao and Qian Shi: Tonifying the kidney to astringe essence to arrest leucorrhoea.

Du Zhong: Tonifying qi to relieve lumbago.

The Effect of Wen Bao Yin


Warm the kidney and uterus, tonify qi and kidney, astringe essence.


Infertility due to uterus cold.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.