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  2. Ji Gu Cao

Ji Gu Cao

Ji Gu Cao
1 #


Ji Gu Cao (Abrus Herb)

  1. 雞骨草
  2. 鸡骨草
  3. Abrus Herb
  4. Herba Abri

The Effect of Ji Gu Cao


Sweet, neutral, cool; heart, lung, stomach, liver and kidney meridians entered.


Clear heat and remove toxicity, soothe the liver and dissipate blood stasis.


Hepatitis with jaundice, stomachache, scrofula, traumatic injury, acute mastitis.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 15~30 g, or made into pill or powder. Proper dosage is for external application, pounded for applying with fresh product.


It is contraindicated for weak people with deficiency-cold.