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  2. Herba Duchesneae Indicae

Herba Duchesneae Indicae

She Mei
1 #


She Mei (Indian Strawberry)

  1. She Mei
  2. 蛇莓
  3. Indian Strawberry
  4. Indian Mockstrawberry Herb

The Effect of Herba Duchesneae Indicae


Sweet, bitter, cold; liver, lung and large intestine meridians entered.


Clear heat and cool blood, resolve swelling and remove toxicity.


Sore throat, cough, dysentery, sores and boils, snake and insect bites, hematemesis, heat diseases, epilepsy and convulsion.

Dosage and Administrations

Decoct 9~15 g (30~60 g of the fresh product), or pounded into juice. Proper dosage is for external application, pounded for applying.