Puerariae Decoction

The Prescription of Puerariae Decoction


The book Shang Han Lun



Ge Gen: The principal drug, being sweet and pungent in flavor and cold in nature, removing pathogenic heat from the exterior, ascending the Qi of the spleen and stomach to treat diarrhea.

Gan Cao: Regulating the Qi of the middle-Jiao and tempering the actions of all the other ingredients.

Shao Yao: Regulating the nutrient system, dispelling pathogenic heat.

Sheng Jiang and Da Zao: Tempering the stomach and spleen.

Ma Huang and Gui Zhi: Relieving superficies syndrome by means of diaphoresis.

The Effect of Puerariae Decoction


Relieve exterior syndrome by means of diaphoresis, remove toxicity, relax the tendons and temper the stomach and spleen.


Cold, flu, measles and joint pain.


Decoct in water for oral dose to be taken twice.

Puerariae Decoction